About Me

Hi there and welcome to my blog…

I live on the east coast of scotland, I’m married and have two teenage children, three two dogs, two cats, two  one rescue rabbit and two three five three  and sadly no more chickens

I grow my own vegetables and flowers, I cook all our food from scratch, I am doing my utmost to reduce my carbon footprint.

24 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I am a newcomer to the web and would like to create a forum with people throughout the UK, including campaigning. How many people should be involved in the process, moderators, designers etc.? Your setup is excellent . I along with other like-minds would look to learn from you.

  2. Thank you for posting your Dunfermline Glen memory lane story. I too love the glen and although i live in Yorkshire, my late father was a Scotsman, born and brought up in Rosyth and I have many many happy memories of visits to the park as a child. After Dad passed away in the summer of 2007 my brother and I made an emotional visit back to Dunfermline to scatter Dad’s ashes in Pittencrieff Park (we checked with the relevant authorities first re this though). We didn’t know what else to do for our Dad as he wasn’t really religious and it just felt like the right thing to do, to take him home, I took a trip back this summer on the first anniversary to lay flowers at the exact spot, play a couple of his favourite songs and read from Burns, “My Heart is in the Highlands”. I made a little vid, its on youtube, http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=mhtUn35LcSg
    might explain it better if you would like to take a look. Best wishes and thank you once again.

  3. Hi Angie…

    Thank you for dropping into my blog…

    What a lovely tribute to your late father, I think there will be a good few people around with fond memories of the glen..

    When I took a trip there during the summer with the kids, I was so disappointed to find out that they had removed all the animals and birds.. my late dad used to take me down the glen every weekend to feed the chickens, rabbits and the peacocks, I will need to sort out some old photographs of us down the glen and post them on here.

    Once again, thanks for visiting

    Take Care xx

  4. Hi Townie. I too live on the east of Fife. I’m about to embark on keeping chickens and saw a posting from you somewhere a long time ago. Did you find a local suppier of layers pellets and where did you get your lovely chickens from, may I ask?

  5. Hello Townie. My name is Michelle, I live in Tasmania. First time on your blog. Beautiful recipes. We to have pekin hens (7 of them). Tonight we are having your pineapple and apple sponge for tea. Thankyou.

  6. Hi Townie,

    I’ve been looking through your wonderful blog and have been completely inspired by all of your lovely recipes and your frugal buys. I also love your pekins; I currently have large fowl layers but pekins have always been my favourite.
    Hope you don’t mind but I’ve added you to my blog. Hope this is okay. I’m a complete newbie at all of this and not sure of the correct way of doing things.
    Keep up the fantastic blogging.


  7. Hello!
    I’m italian(north side), I’m mother of two(16 &4)…I just found your lovely blog…very beautiful and inspirational…

    • Hi Sara…

      Thanks so much for your lovely comments 🙂 I’m glad you like my blog from this little corner of Scotland.

      Do you have a blog yourself, and what is it like living in Italy? it is a country I would love to visit one day 🙂

  8. Hi there, I love your information and the fact that you want to contribute to the success of the global agenda to reduce our negative impacts on the environment we live in. It is sad that not all people want to do this for our own good. I have a blog on sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation. If you don’t mind, you could check me out too and lets learn from each other.


  9. Hi there – weirdly, I was doing some research about the Abbott House & came across your sight … not sure when you were last in Dunferline but I can translate the quote above the door … since word is thrall (slavery) and thought is free, keep your tongue I counsel thee … or as my grandfather used to say ‘ye cannae be hung fer thinkin’ … basically you can be held accounatble for whatever you say, so say as little as possible!!
    I have a family connection to the house and only today I found the same quote (slightly different spelling) carved into the wooden overmantle of a fireplace in a Vcitorian, Jacobean revival style, house in Kent … the quote is attributed to King James IV but I was so stunned at seeing it in Kent that I quite forgot the title of the book it is supposed to have come from … I’ll keep looking 🙂

  10. Hello Sarah! I have just discovered you on here – I live in Nova Scotia, Canada and admire your work. I see that you do one of Laura Denison’s mini-albums; I really love her work also. It’s nice that you are trying to reduce your carbon footprint!

  11. Hi Sarah,

    I work for Papercraft inspirations magazine and we’d like to feature one of your cards on our ‘Beautiful blogs’ page – could you drop me an email, so I can give you a few more details?

  12. Hiya! We’re back in the Netherlands now but we used to live very near, in Inverkeithing. I love Dunfermline. Stumbled apon your blog, I am trying to set up a simple, frugal lifestyle here. I’m now a follower, cant wait to read the rest!

    All the best for this new year


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