Lily Of The Valley (Convallaria majalis)

Lily Of The Valley
(Convallaria majalis)

I spied these gorgeous wee flowers growing in my mother-in-laws back garden when we visited her yesterday for Easter Dinner πŸ™‚ I had to lie down on the path to get this shot.. but it was well worth the effort πŸ˜‰

Lily of the valley has tiny white, fragrant bell-shaped flowers that grow on top of thin stems. The glossy green leaves that grow from the base of the plant are as tall as the flower stem, about 6 inches. The leaves will die back after the flowers bloom—and when the flowers are gone, they’ll be replaced by shiny red berries.

Easter Chick Cupcakes

Happy Easter to all my blogging friends…

Today I made some muffin sized cupcakes, buttercream frosting, fluffy chick decor with handmade easter flags πŸ™‚ Β The eggs were courtesy of my 2 girlies Brenda (pekin) and Chicken Little (Bantam) !

Here’s the rest of the gang

Raspberry Eton Mess

This is a lovely pudding.. for a perfect summery day, this is our pudding for after our dinner tonight πŸ˜‰

Oh and you can see my craft workshop at the top right hand side of the garden!

Recipe :-

  • 1 x Carton of Double Cream
  • 2 Tablespoons of Icing Sugar
  • 2 x Punnets of Raspberries
  • Broken up Meringue Nests
Method :-
  1. Add the cream and icing sugar to a mixing bowl and Whip the cream until thick
  2. Add the Broken up meringue nests and stir in with a spoon
  3. Add the raspberries and stir in with a spoon
  4. Refrigerate.
  5. Serve
  6. Enjoy πŸ™‚

Sunny Sunday in the Garden

It is thee most beautiful day here today, the sun is shining and my garden is looking lovely, the tulips have finally emerged and they are a gorgeous purple colour..

I have quite a few dandelions kicking around too.. but have left them growing on purpose as they will provide the rabbits and chickens with some greenage πŸ™‚

There is a mound of chives at the top end of the garden and they are just about to burst into flower..

and finally the welcome sign on the outside of my craft workshop πŸ™‚

I’m heading back into the garden now to cut the grass and sow a few herbs, chillies and flower seeds in the greenhouse πŸ™‚

Its Springtime…

It is a beautiful spring day here today, I was up bright and early this morning!

I cleaned the kitchen, put on several loads of washing and hung them all out on the line as there is a lovely fresh spring breeze blowing, perfect drying weather.

I have cleaned out Brenda and chicken Little (the chickens).

I also cleaned out Harry and Tweed the bunnies, I always take brenda in with me she likes to hang out with the rabbits πŸ˜‰

I also took a few pictures from around the garden.. oh and made Nigella Lawson’s Lemon Madeira Cake …

Here’s some of the pictures from this morning πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful weekend everyone x

The Lone Daffodil (I only have one in the back garden… need to plant more in the autumn)

The Pink Peony Rose shoots are starting to emerge

Tweed our Elderly Netherland Dwarf Bunny

The lovely natured Harry.,. such a sweet rabbit

Brenda our Partridge Pekin Bantam supervising the rabbit cleaning!

Some fungi growing up in the far corner of the garden

Pink tulips just about to bloom

I planted this rowan tree as a stick 14 years ago, I bought it when my daughter was in Primary One!

and Finally the Lemon Madeira Cake.. I have already posted this recipe on my blog in a previous year, but it is such a gorgeous cake I just had to make one today πŸ™‚