Tomatoes and the HUGE Potato

Well… I decided to clear out the greenhouse at the weekend and give it a good old scrub out.

We picked the last of the tomatoes, including the green ones…. they look fab in the dish together, the colours are so vibrant.. I would really like to make some tomato and chilli relish, so if anyone out their has a tried and tested recipe that they would like to share, i’d love toi hear from you


Next I dug some potatoes from the 3rd bed for our dinner… and look what I dug up…. the organic Lady Balfour variety that I got reduced to 50p at the local garden centre turned up trumps…. with this whopper


I took it into my workshop to measure it … it was a whopping 6inches long and weighed in at 1lb 12.1 oz!!!


Tomatoes & Peppers

Just a small update from the greenhouse this afternoon…

The tomatoes are looking really really good and wont be too long before they are ripe and ready to be harvested.


The peppers are looking fantastic too… plenty of flowers and a few fruits forming, I have another 5 plants just like this one so we’re going to have loads of peppers 🙂


Micro Tom Tomatoes

I bought a couple of these tomato plants from my local garden centre, and have been wondering why they have not been growing as well as my other tomato plants, so today I decided to do a bit of research on them to see just what they were all about….

No wonder they are not growing much, theyre a tiny tomato plant! doh! how thick am I?!  LAODS it would appear 🙂


80-85 days to maturity

The smallest tomato plant in the world, the Micro-Tom reaches only 4-7″ high. Plants bear smallish red tomatoes, about the size of large cherry tomatoes. The plants are suprisingly productive, a 6″ plant can produce up to a couple dozen fruits. The Micro-Tom is an excellent choice for gardeners with little room, or to grow in a 4-6″ pot on the window sill. …

That’ll be why theyre not growing much then !… note to self, read the labels 🙂